Palin on DADT Repeal: Unnecessary

Sarah Palin said that now is not the right time to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, and criticized President Obama for mentioning it in his State of the Union address. She did not say when would be the right time for the repeal.

Palin appeared on Fox News Sunday and was asked, "Should the rule 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' for the military be repealed?"
"I don't think so right now," she said. "I'm surprised that the president spent time on that in his State of the Union speech when he only spent about 9% of his time in the State of the Union on national security issues. And I say that because there are other things to be worried about right now with the military. I think that kind of on the back burner is sufficient for now. To put so much time, and effort, and politics into it? Unnecessary."

Watch the video clip here:


Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of the whole controversy over the "gay issue", (being a 71 year old woman from the "old school" where we didn't talk about such things), but, just from a purely practical point of view if nothing else, we should not be getting rid of so many qualified people from the armed forces in a time of war. I would think the "war mongering right" would want to have the best qualified people in the service so we can win the war. They seem willing to risk losing the war just so they can persecute gays. I heard that we lost over 13,000 highly trained personnel, including people with high language skills. That is a recipe for failure.

morb320 said...

IMHO, Palin is, as usual, wrong. To deny any one person his/her constitutional rights endangers the rights of us all. The bozos who listen to Palin saying this,

"And I say that because there are other things to be worried about right now with the military,"

indicates their limited way of thinking. Just because Palin can't do more than one thing well at a time doesn't mean the president can't. She isn't even qualified to speak on the issue of national security. I also cannot forget how they beat up on the president because he took his time making the decision on Afghanistan. I'm pretty sure that President Obama has done his homework on repealing DADT. Palin feels qualified to speak but hasn't done the amount of research that the president has. Plus, she doesn't have access to the amount of information on the subject that the president has. I never listen to this woman. She's not interested in governing. Only money motivates this creature. How anyone has the hubris to think he/she can become POTUS by disenfranching a significant portion of this society is beyond my understanding. We either all have the same rights guaranteed to us in the constitution, or the constitution becomes just another document written for the benefit of a select few.

E. Ross said...

Good point about Obama being able to work on more than one issue at a time. And yes, it's odd that the pro-military right wants to kick out so many qualified soldiers in the middle of a war.

But Anon, there is no "gay issue" just gay PEOPLE wanting to be treated fairly. Thanks for your support.

Anonymous said...

When IS the right time then?

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