Joseph Williams, the Alaska Make-up Queen, is running for Empress as "Samantha SoWrong."

Hi EVERYONE, I am Joseph Williams, AKA Samantha SoWrong, and I am aspiring to be Empress 38 of ALL of Alaska!! Love, Unity, and Universal White Light FOR ALL! If you would like to know more about the I.C.O.A.A check out their web page: ICOAA. SEE YOU ALL ON THE CAMPAIN TRAIL! "gosh I hope I get a book deal..."
Samantha hosted a back yard grill and fundraiser last week, and will be at the Wii Wednesday candidate meet 'n greets at Mad Myrna's.
Greetings!!I am running for Empress 38 of All of Alaska under the stage name, Samantha So Wrong. Yes something so "wrong" really is SO RIGHT!The Imperial Court of All of Alaska started in 1971 and is the oldest Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Allied organization in Alaska. Their mission, to raise money and give it back to the community. As Empress, I will be representing the community and holding fundraisers and traveling out of state to represent our court on the circuit. I have to win first.I win by YOUR VOTES. Anyone who is an Alaskan Resident, is 18 and has an Alaskan ID can request an absentee ballot, but you have to do it now! You have to email your request. You will get a ballot that will have all the info on it. They will need proof you are of legal voting age. It will not count with out it!! (making sure I say it enough....) Email your request to Joani.Make sure you VOTE FOR SAMANTHA SoWRONG! I will need EVERY VOTE I CAN GET!! There are three of us girls running for the Title!!If you are going to be in Anchorage, vote at the GLCCA on Saturday Aug 21, 2010. If you're in Fairbanks, you can vote at College Floral.I love you All, and thank you for your time reading this!JosephAka " Samantha SoWrong "
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