The consecration of Bishop-Elect Mark Andrew Lattime to the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska was set for Sept. 4 at a Catholic church in Anchorage, but the venue for ordaining the married religious leader was aburptly changed to a Methodist church.

Catholic news sites announced the event last week, focusing on Lattime's LGBT ministry:
"Katharine Jefferts Schori, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, will ordain an Episcopal cleric from New York State as the Episcopal bishop of Alaska on September 4. The ceremony will take place at a Catholic parish in Anchorage."Until recently, Lattime was a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester's Committee for Gay and Lesbian Ministry, which "seeks to further the cause of recognition and legitimization of lesbian and gay relationships within the church and in civil society." Lattime is married and has three children."
Oh, no - he has a wife!
Lattime's resume for the Alaska position said he is a three-time deputy to General Convention from Rochester, NY, where he served on the diocesan council and as a dean of the southwest district and a stewardship consultant, among his many posts. He is also a certified private pilot and was a volunteer ambulance driver for the Fire Department.
The Catholic news sites didn't mention any of his qualifications, only that he was a member of a committee on Gay and Lesbian Ministry. He wasn't the chair or founder, just a member. They didn't say what work he did on the committee, or how long he was on it. He was involved with a gay and lesbian ministry, and that's enough.
The consecration was to take place in the Lady of Guadalupe Church in Anchorage, but is now scheduled for First United Methodist Church. After the ceremony, a reception will be held at the church, and a no-host banquet will be held at 7 p.m. in the Sheraton Hotel - where, in a sweet coincidence, The Imperial Court's Coronation is also being held that weekend.
Kudos to The Episcopal Diocese of Alaska on the election and consecration of Bishop Lattime, and to First United Methodist for hosting the ceremony after the Catholic church backed out.
Its interesting that the article is even mentioning that Bishop Lattime is married. Most Episcopal bishops are married. Of course, two now are legally married and homosexual. Bishop Lattime may have been one of those fighting for equal rights for the LBGT community, but General Convention has now moved the entire Episcopal Church forward on that subject. Bishop Lattime's positions may bend the Catholics out of shape, but he is mainstream Episcopal. Personal comment: YEA!!!
I don't see anything in the press release to indicate that the Catholics "rejected" the ceremony. There are a lot of reasons for a venue to be changed. I did not see anything in your post to back up your inflammatory headline.
Christianity really makes my head hurt.
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