Where to Find GLBT Alaska - Annual Events, Revised for 2011

The main annual events held by the LGBT organizations and local communities in Alaska are listed here in calendar order, along with city-wide events that we participate in every year.

Fur Rondy Grand Parade (Feb 26) - The Imperial Court creates a float for the Rondy Parade in downtown Anchorage.
Femme Fatale (mid-April) - The Imperial Court's Juneau show closes the state legislative session and is a benefit for Four A's.
Day of Silence (April 15) and Pride Prom (April 23 in Anchorage) - Alaska's students, teachers and Gay/Straight Alliances (GSA's) join the National Day of Silence, and break their silence celebrating at Pride Prom.
Celebration of Change (April 23) - Radical Arts for Women's 'break-up' performance celebrates women, music and art in Anchorage.
Juneau Pride Chorus spring concert (April 30) - The concert is a spirited evening of women, song and dance at the Juneau Arts & Culture Center, and the chorus performs at various events during the spring and summer.
LGBT Pride Picnic (May 30, Memorial Day) - The Anchorage Picnic and BBQ celebrate unity in the community and the beginning of summer.
Alaska Pride Week and Festival (3rd week in June) - The summer solstice parade and festival celebrates LGBT Pride in downtown Anchorage, following a week of Pride events.
Northern Exposure (during Pride Week this year) - Alaska's new gay & straight BDSM/Leather conference returns for a second year.
Juneau Pride Picnic and Glacier Hike (summer) - Juneau celebrates Pride with a GLBT community picnic and glacier hike organized by SEAGLA.
Marching in July 4th Parades - LGBT contingents design floats and march in July 4th parades in Anchorage and Homer.
PFLAG in Golden Days Parade (late July) and Tanana Valley State Fair (August) - PFLAG and the Fairbanks LGBTQA community march in the annual Gold Rush parade, host a Pride Picnic after the parade, and create a booth for the Interior state fair.
Coronation (Labor Day Weekend, Sept.) - An extravaganza of performances in Anchorage invests the new Emperor and Empress of the Imperial Court of All Alaska, and announces community awards and scholarships.
Pride Conference (Saturday near October 11) - Identity's back-to-school youth conference is inspired by National Coming Out Day, celebrated nationally on October 11.
Alaskans Together annual meeting (Sunday after Pride Conference) - The state-wide LGBT advocacy group holds a strategy meeting each year in Anchorage.
Thanksgiving Community Meal (Thanksgiving Day) - Several gay-owned businesses in Anchorage host a Thanksgiving Day meal for the LGBT community.
World AIDS Day (Dec. 1) - Alaska commemorates World AIDS Day with red ribbons and candlelight vigils sponsored by Four A's and IAA in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau.
Arctic Heat (Jan. 2012) - The Men's Club chooses the new Bear and Leather titleholders every other year.

Alaska's LGBT groups hold many other events and performances, as well as weekly and monthly meetings and events, that the community is invited to attend. Visit the links in the side column of the blog for more lists of Where to find LGBT Alaska.

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