Straight Audiences Enjoy Drag Show at Anchorage Gay Bar

The Divas Drag Show at Mad Myrna's is featured in the Sunday Anchorage Daily News, with a headline and photo displayed on the front page.

Gay bars change acts to appeal to straight customers, written by Julia O'Malley, focuses on the performers, the show, the bar and how the audience is now more straight than gay.
"Myrna's has been home to a drag show for a decade, and straight people have long been part of the audience. But on some Friday nights lately, gay patrons have thinned dramatically, replaced by military couples, bachelorette parties and curious young professionals. It's part of a national trend."
Read about the drag queens, gay go-go boys and straight girl co-host who perform the weekly drag variety show. 

Thanks to Julia and the ADN for this article about the gay citizens of Anchorage and the straight people who enjoy our company.

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